I celebrated Thanksgiving (eh!) with my family today.
A few days ago I started thinking about what I'm really thankful for. If I even think about how thankful I am for my son, I start bawling immediately, so lets not go there. Same with family members, health, etc.
But there's something I have been thanking God for every day since the day after labour day.
Heated seats.
That's right. An extravagance for this menno girl, for sure. But they only had 1 manual Kia Soul on the lot when I bought it in April. And it was in black (which I wanted). And it came with heated seats.
I am usually achy in the morning. My chiropractor says its because I never fall into a deep enough sleep to allow my muscles to repair (pre-schooler with autism of the I-don't-sleep variety). And I'm usually panicked and late and utterly at a loss every morning, wondering how I will possibly get thru another day. And before I'm at the bottom of the driveway, the heated seats kick in, like a little love. Warming me. Holding me. Giving me hope that even if I don't make it thru the day, they will at least get me delivered to my office (where my day launches into a life of its own).
I've been reading some hysterically funny notes from single parents of autistic kids who are trying to date. It's hysterical because its so impossible. The life of a single parent of an ASD kid is completely unmanageable if the person also has to hold down a full time job... And then fit in dating, and an
actual developing relationship.... Well. They tend to develop at a snails pace because there is no time, and often fizzle out because they move so slowly, they lose momentum.
Heated seats might better.
They don't need anything from me.
They fit into my commute.
They make me feel good.
They support me in whatever I do.
They are there for me at the end of a long day.
They sing with me to my fave song "Sunny and 75", making me feel like it really is 75.
My tushy and I thank you, heated seats. There is no one else like you.
(And I only had time to write this because I did so while sitting on a hard white pre-school Ikea chair beside the bathtub while my son had one of his marathon baths).