Thursday 13 June 2013

Heart. Broken.

I’ve been officially ‘recovering’ for a month now. As wonderful as working 1 day a week sounds, my time off has been no picnic. I’ve been stuck in the oxymoronic process of
Working hard… to rest
Grieving… to heal
Crash & burning… to rise from the ashes.

All of these are not choreographable tasks. They all require surrender that is active in its joy and passive in its action.

I’ve noticed in myself and others, that we humans tend to be reticent to share ourselves in the midst of our grief. We want to wait until we have it all figured out so we can deliver our message in a happily-ever-after package. I think we want to show ourselves and the world, that all of this heartbreak does make sense… somewhere, down the road.

But I am not there.

I am stuck in heartbreak.

I am immersed in grief.

I had a conversation with my ex tonight that re-opened the tender scabs on my pulverized heart. It brought forth another tidal wave of betrayal and hurt. It makes me wonder if this will ever end. I’m already divorced, for crying out loud. Why can’t I get over this? I fully believe that I took the path I needed to take by both marrying AND divorcing my ex. Its been two years since I realized that the dream is dead. And still, the tears pour out. Still, the heart breaks more and more.  It makes me wonder if there’s even any pieces of my heart left to be scabbed over. But there must be, because I still feel pain. If my heart was pulverized to the point of obliteration, I wouldn’t feel pain.

Talking with a few good friends in the last few days, the only new clue I have in how to get through this, is that my heart-of-hearts, my true self, the part of me that is irrevocably and eternally connected to God, knows the way through. And I have to trust that part of me to show the way.

Yesterday a friend, who is also a therapist, was telling me that what she’s discovered lately is that too many people try to rush through the ‘crash and burn’ phases of grief. The crashing and burning is so uncomfortable, mostly for the person who’s going through it, but probably also for people around that person. The thing with the crash and burn phase is that you can’t DO anything in it, except surrender to it. You can’t control it. You can’t hurry it. You can’t dissect it because it doesn’t make any sense.

You CAN observe it. But that’s about all. And there’s no fast forwarding in the observation either.

When I flipped open my laptop to write this entry, I noticed the wallpaper on my screen. It’s the same wallpaper/background photo I have on my Facebook profile.
“The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.”

And that’s about as close as I can come to making sense out of anything in the midst of heartbreak. That’s about as close as I come, to having hope that I will recover. That is the essence of HOPE itself.

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